About Pepper PARLOR's robots

Pepper and various robots are actively working alongside humans, bringing a vibrant atmosphere in the workplace.
Additionally, we are preparing to unveil a series of new robots. Join us for a glimpse into the near future.


In addition to greeting customers at the entrance, our robots will interact with them, sharing a table, playing games, and being part of commemorative photos. They will provide unique and enjoyable experiences throughout the restaurant, letting you experience a new level of engagement with robotics.


Servi / Servi Plus

Our Servi and Servi Plus delivery robots will efficiently deliver ordered food to your table.​
They can also assist in clearing empty plates, acting as valuable partners to our staff, these robots significantly enhance service efficiency and elevate the overall customer experience.​

Servi / Servi Plus

Whiz i

Our advanced floor cleaning robot Whiz i sets a new standard of cleanliness, boasting the capability to diminish the presence of virus and bacteria on floor surface.
Our robots are tiressly at work even in areas out of our customers sight.

Whiz i


Transcending the boundaries between manufacturers, the robot idol unit 'THE★ROBOTS' has been formed and they regularly showcase their dance performances at Pepper PARLOR.
(Photo: from the left — Aibo, Pepper, RoBoHon, BOCCO Emo, PALRO)
※ ©︎2018 Sony Group Corporation
※ ©︎MIXI
※ ©︎Yukai Engineering Inc.